The form below allows you to donate directly from this page.
Other donation options are also available; scroll down past the form and select one of the headers to show the different options.
If you have further information on how your donation is to be used, please contact us with the details of your request.

Donate via credit card or bank transfer

Use this form to make a secure one-time or recurring donation either with your credit card or by direct bank transfer from your bank account.

Donate via PayPal

Donate through PayPal
For a one-time donation with a credit card you do not need a PayPal account.
To set up a recurring donation you will need a PayPal account to manage your donations; you can set up an account as part of the donation process.
Use the following button to go to the PayPal website.

Donate via CanadaHelps

Donate through CanadaHelps
Make a one-time or recurring credit card donation via CanadaHelps.
CanadaHelps  is a separate charity that will forward donations to AAN.
Tax receipts are issued by CanadaHelps, not by AAN.
Use the following button to go to the CanadaHelps website.

Donate via Interac e-transfer

If you have access to online banking, you can use their Interac e-transfer system to make a one-time donation. You will be asked for an email address to send funds to; use as the email address.
You will also be asked to enter a security question and answer. Since we need to know what the answer will be, please fill out and submit the form below. You can use the suggested security question and answer below or change the fields to the question and answer that you will be using. This will tell us what the answer to the security question is when you do the e-transfer.
If you use the suggested question and answer, be sure to write them down before leaving this page because the answer will be different when you come back.
Don’t forget to click the “Submit” button below before going off to make your donation!

    Security question:

    Message (optional)

    Donate via mail

    You can always write us a cheque or a series of post-dated cheques and mail them to us.
    Please make cheques out to Aanandit Aid to Nepal and send them to
    75 Country Estates Drive,
    Port Perry,
    Ontario L9L 1S3,

    If you are using post-dated cheques to make regular monthly donations, we will send you a reminder when the cheques are about to run out.

    Tax deductions for Canadian donors
    AAN is a registered charity in Canada, and we will issue tax receipts for annual donations of $20 or more, as long as we have your name and address.
    Tax receipts will be issued once at the end of each year for all donations made during the year.